Dela nyhet
Stockholm tour 12th Oktober!
6 okt 2024 1 kommentar
Hi youths and parents!
This is on a very short notice, sorry about that.
We're planning a trip to attend a minifestival in Stockholm for the U12's to play at together with Vänersborg, unless we get atleast 10players.
Playing against the northern teams is going to be a great ending for the season. :)
The plan: Leave on Friday afternoon around 17-18. Drive to Enköping with minibusses to stay the night there together with Vänersborg.
The on Saturday drive to Stockholm and play a lot of games and after all is done, we come home Saturday evening.
We expect a cost of 400kr for each person, to cover for minibusses, fuel and breakfast.
I will also create an event for it. This is mainly to see who is interested in going. I will notify on Wednesday if the trip is going to be on or not, depending on how many are interested in going. So please sign up on the event or leave a message here. :)
Cheers / Coach JJ
Jan-Joel Salo 9 okt 2024
Hello! So the planning has progressed to the point where we're all set and the trip is happening! :)
We have 1 car and 1 minibuss.
5 U12
6 U14
1 Coach
1 parent
And teaming up with Vänersborg for the U12's and U14's with a club from Stockholm.
This is going to be a great day!
Dont forgot to swish 400kr to me to cover up expenses for the trip, like fuel and food.
My number: 0736225590
We're meeting at the klubhouse parkinglot 17:30. See you on Friday! :)
Cheers // Coach Jan-Joel