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USM summary, the coach's thoughts.
23 sep 2024 6 kommentarer

Another USM done.
And another one where I'm so amazingly proud of our youths. There were tears, frustration, laughter and joy in each game. The amount of effort they put in to turn around the first two games against the French school and Enköping. How frustration and tears was made into raw energy and teamwork of the highest caliber. When the final whistle blew and the fact that they had turned these games into wins, the explosion of joy on their faces. That really melted my heart.
The remaining 4 games weren't even a challenge to them, because they knew their biggest strenght: When everyone works together, they're unstoppable!
The biggest thing that struck me was the difference in the tackle strength and ferocity from our entire U12 squad compared to the other teams. It could only be matched by a few individuals from the other teams. And I saw all the other teams, since I reffed 15 of the other U12 games.
I believe there are a few key factors to this. Removing the tacklepads 3 years ago from training sessions, meaning they only tackle each other and run into me instead of a tacklepad, making them fight for a bit until going to ground, making it more game realistic.
Giving the lads 30'ish minutes of match play at trainings against each others on every training (they constantly keep asking for it and love it).
The rescent addition of the U14's together with the U12's after the summer (bigger and stronger players to tackle and in turn the U14's are gentle in return). This constant matchplay has made them more resilient and tougher, witch really showed, as they wanted to play on despite minor injuries sustained during the games.
They always help each other to improve during training sessions and games, be it tackles, passing or anything else.
There is so much comradery and true friendship rooted deeply in this team and it shows the best during games against other teams. They never yell or bicker at each other, they only uplift and give positive vibes and constantly support each other.
And lastly, this positive energy also shows after and in between games. They had so much fun during the evenings, spreading the positivity to our other youth groups and even other teams staying at the school.
It's so amazing to see.
What Rugby is about.
This is why I'm so proud of these lads.
They really deserve all praise. 😊
// Coach Jan-Joel
Gary Brown 23 sep 2024
Thank you coach. Brings tears to my eyes reading this. It was certainly clear from the touch line during the USM the team spirit that exists, the skills and the determination
Peter B 23 sep 2024
Vilken helg man fick vara med på jätte fint spel av våra killar fint coachat av er ledare Stort Tack 👍🏻
Neil Croxton 23 sep 2024
Can only agree with Gary there JJ. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it this year but Kate loved it and also thought the boys were awesome , especially the teamwork and how they were always there for each other on and off the pitch. What a great group they are and how the future looks tough for the other teams in Sweden ! Thanks to you JJ and the other parents and coaches involved.
Amber Noble 24 sep 2024
Congratulations to the under 12s! And thank you for your great coaching and dedication JJ, you are amazing!
Graham Clarke 24 sep 2024
Honestly- I am with Gary and Neil - I’m one of those proud and emotional Dads! Rugby is such a way of life - playing with respect, magnanimous in victory and lifting each other to face the next challenge. Brilliant.
Helene Broberg 24 sep 2024
Tack för en magisk helg för Olle och laget! Ni verkar ha haft det helt fantastiskt bra 🤩 Tack också för all tid och engagemang som ni ledare lägger ner på laget.