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Ice Skating Sunday 16:th of February
12 feb
Youth trainings
1 feb
The Values of Rugby
28 jan
X-mas Touch at Heden Saturday 21:st of December
15 dec 2024
Friendly reminder - End of year gifts for youth coaches 2024
3 dec 2024
Plan for 2025
26 jan, 17:02 0 kommentarer
Hello all,
Youth Rugby West Sweden have been busy planning out the year's activities, and we have a pretty full calendar.
There may be changes and additions (like a tour to Norway or a club open day on National day), but I know many of you like to get those dates in the diary as soon as possible. Here is the plan to date.
This year as a club we are going to launch our own code of values (to compliment those of Rugby Sweden):
and to introduce some of these ideas we will be having a camp after our first mini festival to play some teamwork games and have fun. More details to follow. We also want to plan our bigger tournaments better this year, so we can know in advance exactly who is going to the Viking Cup and the USM. Next Sunday we are going to move outside for the first time due to the milder weather. We will be at the club 10:00am-11:30, but come dressed prepared for cold wet weather just in case!
Wk 17 27 Apr Minifestival Vänersborg
Wk 19 10-11 Apr Youth Rugby Values Camp (sleepover at scout hut Frölunda)
Wk 20 18 May Minifestival Hisingen
Wk 22 1 Jun Minifestival? Karlstad
Wk 24 15 Jun Viking Cup - Partille Sparatcus
Summer break
Wk 33 17-aug. Haka rugby camp Göteborg
Wk 34 24-aug. Denmark Speed tournament
Wk 36 7-sep. Minifestival Spartacus/Göteborg
Wk 38 21-sep. USM Vänerborg
Wk 40 5-okt. Minifestival Borås
Trainings in January
8 jan, 16:47 0 kommentarer
Hello everyone and welcome to the 2025 season!
It's not easy to find training times indoors for us. But in January we'll move back to Frölunda Kulturhus again.
Sunday 12/1, 10:00-11:30, Lilla Hallen Frölunda Kulturhus
Sunday 19/1, 10:00-11:30, Lilla Hallen Frölunda Kulturhus
Sunday 26/1, 10:00-11:30, Lilla Hallen Frölunda Kulturhus
So drop off your kids with us and do some shopping at Frölunda Torg.
Feel free to invite your child's friends.
Best regards
Winter training begins...
17 nov 2024 0 kommentarer
Hi all!
Hope everyone has had a good break after a hectic end of season. As always we will be moving indoors to keep skills and fitness fresh during the winter. We have three sessions booked before the end of the year. All three are in the Hall of Flame, next to the fire station in Frölunda:
24 November 12:00-13:30
8 December 12:00- 13:30
15 December 10:30-12:00
I'm also going to do a run around Sisjön ast 9:00am on Saturday 30th November for anyone interested in coming along. We will run at the pace of the slowest (or divide into groups), and we can do 1 or 2 laps depending on how everyone is feeling. Parents are welcome to join in!
More dates to follow in the new year.
We have also been invited along to train with Spartacus on Wednesday evenings, 19:00-20:00 Lillegårdsskolan. I won't be able to make those personally, but we've invited the Spartacus guys along to our trainings as well.
See you soon!
Coach Justin
Evaluation 2024
13 nov 2024 0 kommentarer
Here is an evaluation we want you to fill out together with your child. It takes 10 minutes and will help us to build better trainings.
Final outdoor session this year
9 okt 2024 0 kommentarer
Hi all, tomorrow evening at the usual time of 17:30-18:45, we'll have our final outdoor session this year/ season. This will be fun games (no contact games) in mixed teams across all age groups, followed by a little fika. All are welcome whether or not you've been to many trainings, and we'll do it regardless of the weather! Please feel free to bring down a little something nice for the kids to eat!
After this there'll be a break. We'll begin our winter trainings in December which will focus on fitness and core strength.
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