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USM and coming schedule
24 sep 2024 0 kommentarer
Fantastic job by our team at the USM! We are a very young, inexperienced team (not to mention short of stature) and we well exceeded my expectations on the pitch. Loads of tries and moments of individual heroism as well as some encouraging teamwork, and best of all... bonding as a team. The future looks bright!
There's not so long to go now with the rugby season:
24/09 - Training Välen
26/09 - Training Välen
01/10 - Training Välen
03/10 - Training Välen
06/10 - Final Mini Festival Borås (more info to come)
08/10 - Training Välen
10/10 - Final outdoor training of the year Välen. Fun activities!
TBC - Team social (last year we went bowling)
We'll then take a little break. During the winter the nature of training changes: more indoor sessions focused on fitness and strength, sessions in the snow, I may even add some cross country runs for stamina!