Dela nyhet
End of year gifts for youth coaches 2024
27 nov 2024 0 kommentarer

Hope you all are doing well!
Since I missed this 2023, I want to make sure that this year we all have the opportunity to thank our fantastic youth section coaches for their passion, grit and devotion in helping our children grow to become respectful, strong and resilient individuals, teaching them values of a team sport where the camradery, personal development and hard work is what counts, rather than matches won.
Let's thank Esther, Sanna, Sara, JJ, Justin and Magnus - without them our club's Youth section would not be the same.
If you want to participate in this token of appreciacion pls swish 50-100sek/child (or any amount you feel comfortable with) to Agnieszka's number 0722 087 078 and mark with your child's name preferably by the 6th December.
Stay healthy!
Many thanks,
Agnieszka - Youth Section Board representative