Dela nyhet
Playing top of the league: Unfortunate defeat
4 sep 2023 2 kommentarer

Tonight, we played the top of the league Young Gunners. This years, it is a pretty different team from the one we beat last year whom we successfully manage to beat. The game started very equal, however the opponents managed to open the score due to a mistake of our defence, 0:1. Soon, we made a comeback, Armin scored a header after the ball hit the crossbar of the opponents’ goal, 1:1. Then the opponents managed to score some very strange goal where the ball touched both posts and somehow stayed on the line, but closer to being in the goal, enough for the referee to whistle and count 1:2. Then a strange thing happened, the lights went off… the referees spent like 10 minutes to fix it, and managed it in the end. I set my timer when the game started, so I knew that this happened at 10:38 into the game. When they fixed the lights, they suggested to skip the break and just continue running the time for both halves. So I just continued my timer from the moment when the lights went off. This will be useful later on. After this break, our opponents could recover a bit(they had fewer changes) and started dominating bit by bit. Moreover, the referee from our favourite family started making strange decisions. For instance, he gave a yellow card to Emin for quite a normal tackle, leaving us 1 man down for a while. We managed to not concede a goal, but soon the referee gave our opponents a penalty for again, a questionable episode in our penalty box. In the end, our opponents managed to score yet another goal with their striker closing the back post after a free kick. We did our best to come back, and we did have many chances. The game was overall rather equal and the result does not represent what was going on on the pitch. However, when the referee blew the final whistle, I had only 38:25 on my timer (instead of 40:00). I told this to the referee, to which he replied “bra”… Of course, these 2 minutes would not change too much for us, it would have been hard to score 3 goals during those. But still this quality of refereeing is just ridiculous and demotivating. All in all, quite a good match for us, however with very bad luck. We did our best, we tried to get some points from the league top, but we did not manage. Next week - 3rd place in the table, last year’s champions Mammas Grill. Let’s do what we can to get some points before moving to the end of the season. Today’s man of the match: Vasilis, with a lot of dedication and his fighting spirit.
Pavel S. 5 sep 2023
We spent all our bad luck in this game.
In the next one, fortune must return the favor.
Max G. 11 sep 2023
Unfortunately, as it turns out, it was not all of it…