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Vasaloppet and Öppet Spår 2026
3 mar
EIF and ESIK Arranging Winter Games 2025 in Idre!
30 okt 2024
Book your seat to Ericsson Vasaloppet and Öppet Spår 2024
14 nov 2023
Ericsson Trip to Vasaloppet and Öppet Spår 2024
21 sep 2023
New members sign-up process for Ericsson employees
20 mar 2023
Welcome to the new Cross Country (Längd) skiing section
The ESIK cross country skiing club has more than 200 interested and many active participants.
We have two main trips every year to Orsa Grönklitt, first trip second week of December, around Lucia, and second trip is normally the second week in January. We will post information about trips here well in advance.
We hope the new web environment will be great for sharing information for employees, pensioners and even to friends who would like to join us on trips, i.e. based on availability.
The Cross Country section also helps out with ski-races like "Öppet Spår" and Vasaloppet, as well as the Ericsson skiing championships, (used to be hosted in Idre Fjäll). More info will be posted!
We try to also do some roller skiing training sessions during the autumn in Kista (or at some alternative track).
Orsa Grönklitt trip 9-12 January 2025 open for booking - Update!!
2 jan, 13:00 0 kommentarer
Register for Grönklitt January 2025!!!
UPDATE! Sorry for the spamming, but we have 5 cancellations with people who will lose their payment and if you are interested in joining us on Thursday please reach out. Orsa has had masses of snow in recent days and we can expect the whole system to be open this weekend. If you know someone that is interested, please share the above link to register.
Currently we are 39 participants and 48 places in total i.e. one empty Cabin for a group of 6 people. There are 48 km of well prepared ski-tracks as of today, January 7th.
The weather forecast looks very -3 to -8 C and no snowfall, but with at least 30 cm of new snow on top of the 30 that is already lying.
There are currently around 40 people registered for the January trip. This is the same weekend as the Craft ski marathon. We have 60 beds booked so we still have capacity.
This is usually a really nice trip with lots of snow and 13 km of trails. Well worth the effort. Remember you can share the link with friends as well. They pay 300 SEK more, but it is still a great deal.
The cabins in January are larger and most of them have their own sauna.
Share with anyone you know is interested.
Dominic and Jan
Extra places in Orsa now on Thursday
10 dec 2024 0 kommentarer
Due to illness and other things at least 4 people are not able to travel. This means that their places are paid for and can offer their places to someone who might want to travel.
2 in one cabin with a course spot as well. The price can be discussed. The people have paid 850 per space and 2150 for the course. If you are interested reach out to me or Jan Ekström as soon as possible. We can help arrange a seat in two cars if required.
There are a few other spaces, but there the travel is a problem as one is a person who was taking their car.
We can even think of a lower price, but this was more to offer an opportunity.
At the moment Orsa has 6.5 prepared trails and there is also Multibanan that is quite long, but it is not open, though people are skiing it. So this is very good so early in the season.
I know this is short notice, but we want to try and fill spots and reduce the costs to people who have become ill, as we will not be able to refund everything.
For non Ericsson people it is 1150 kr.
Dominic and Jan
Täby artificial ski track (skidspår) 2024/25
11 okt 2024 1 kommentar
If you are looking for the possibility to ski on snow close to Stockholm, Täby will have a track. If you buy a season card it has a discount of 200 SEK to the 31st of October.
Orsa Grönklitt trip 12-15 December 2024 a few spaces left!
12 jul 2024 0 kommentarer
76 spaces are almost filled. We have a few people who have notified that they will not be able to participate . If you are interested in taking over their spot, contact me as soon as possible, Dominic.
Update 23/10 this is our largest group so far and this is fantastic. Currently 12 people have registered for the Tynell coaching, and the feedback from the coaching has been very good. If you are interested, you can still book a slot. There is interest for Skate/free technique as well, so please indicate if you would like classic or skate coaching.
Orsa have delayed the season premier and this is good. Let's hope the temperature drops there soon.
Kind regards
Dominic McAleenan and Jan Ekström
Norrskidan participation
15 jan 2024 0 kommentarer
If anyone wants to represent ESIK at Norrskidan, I got info from Täby Skidor. Would be great if we could start to be active in competitions. It is not super competitive, it is more about being there.
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