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2025 Courts Schedule
2025 Plans
Below are VALID for Ericsson Employees ONLY (and will be available in Benify around December timeframe for you to subscribe to 2025 ESIK Memberships)
Subscription to ESIK 2025 (500SEK is mandatory)
Additional fees for Badminton:
Badminton Section fees (to cover the courts)
- SEK 1900/year (Kista only, 2 times a week)
- 1900SEK/year (Sollentuna only, 2 times a week)
- SEK 2100/year (Kista and Sollentuna, 3 times a week)
[Training is now CLOSED - we have met the Quota for 2025]
Training Playrights (You can select multiple, up to max 30 sessions) [Tentatively set to train in Sollentuna]
- SEK 650 ([SMALL] 5 sessions (130 x 5))
- SEK 1,300 ([MEDIUM] 10 sessions (130 x 10))
- SEK 1,950 ([LARGE] 15 sessions (130 x 15))
- members who buy 20 training playrights [pay 2600SEK + ESIK Mandatory 500SEK], will automatically be allowed to play the rest of the year (no need to pay Section Fee/Yearly cost)
- Conditions:
- members add on the "annual subscription" of 120 SEK to access sollentuna price = making the benify order as 2600+500+120 = 3220 SEK
- members are allowed to play ONLY 1 time on NON-training week on Ericsson scheduled courts (location of your choice per normal schedule)
Subscription fee Sollentuna (ONLY if you do NOT wish to pay SectionFee)
- SEK 120 (to access a competitive hourly price at Sollentuna Racket hall)
- or add-on if you purchase 20 or more training play rights
2025 For External (Ericsson Consultants, ex-employees, etc.)
Starting 2025, ESIK Badminton Section welcomes external persons to join, but on a selective basis (Total number of external is limited)
[Receipt of payment is available]
Badminton Section fees (to cover the courts)
- SEK 3600/year (Kista and Sollentuna, 3 times a week)
[Training option is closed. 2025 Quota met]
Training Playrights (You can select multiple, up to max 30 sessions) [Tentatively set to train in Sollentuna]
- SEK 850 ([SMALL] 5 sessions (170 x 5))
- SEK 1,700 ([MEDIUM] 10 sessions (170 x 10))
- SEK 2,550 ([LARGE] 15 sessions (170 x 15))
Subscription fee Sollentuna (ONLY if you do NOT wish to pay SectionFee)
- SEK 180 (to access a competitive hourly price at Sollentuna Racket hall)
What is ESIK Badminton Playrights 2025
- Target Players: Beginners and Intermediates
- Duration: 1.5 hour session, 1 x per week
- 1 Professional trainer, Structured program
- Training shuttles are included.
- Time and Day: Friday 5.30-7pm
- Location: , Sollentuna Rackethall
- 2 courts shared by 8 players. Each player consumes 1 playright during each 1.5 hour training session.
- Preferably, a player purchase small package (5 sessions), you will be required to commit to 3-5 consecutive weeks of training to ensure progressions.
- Groups of 4 or 8 players will be assigned according to their skill levels and needs (jointly by ESIK committee with Coach)
Training rights:
Sharing of 4 persons per court
1 time a week = (40 weeks) with 8 players over 2 courts = 320 playrights
[SMALL] 5 sessions (130 x 5) = SEK 650
[MEDIUM] 10 sessions (130 x 10) = SEK 1,300
[LARGE] 15 sessions (130 x 15) = SEK 1,950
You can purchase up to a maximum of 30 play rights.
- members who buy 20 training playrights [pay 2600SEK + ESIK Mandatory 500SEK], will automatically be allowed to play the rest of the year on Ericsson scheduled courts (no need to pay Section Fee/Yearly cost)
- Conditions:
- members add on the "annual subscription" of 120 SEK to access sollentuna price = making the benify order as 2600+500+120 = 3220 SEK
- members are allowed to play ONLY 1 time on NON-training week (location of your choice per normal schedule)
When will I start?
As we have structured this training program to limit 8 players per session per week, you may be in a group that will start later.
Players 1-4: buys 5 sessions are assigned as Group A.
Player 5-8: buys 10 sessions are assigned as Group B
Player 9-12: buys 5 sessions are assigned as Group C
Week 1 to Week 5: Group A & B
Week 6 to Week 10: Group B&C
Subscription Fee to access competitive hourly price

ESIK members who do not wish to join ESIK Badminton, but still want to access this competitive price, will need to pay a subscription fee of 120SEK (Employees) to ESIK Badminton section.
ESIK Badminton members who paid section fee will enjoy this by default.
Conditions: after payment in benify, please send confirmation to Section leader (Han Lee Tan) with your matchi userid (email). Lead time 1-3 weeks for processing.
To enjoy this ValueCard, login to Matchi.se --> search "Sollentuna Rackethall" and buy their ValueCards