Dela nyhet
Trainings start on Sunday
26 nov 2023 4 kommentarer

Hi everyone
We will train indoors at Frölunda Kulturhus (entrance next to the swimming hall.
Sunday 3:rd of December 12:00-13:30
nday 10:th of December 12:00-13:00
nday 17:th of December 12:00-13:30
leave your kids with us and some shopping at Frölunda Torg.
Marisa 27 nov 2023
Zephy and Oliver Croxton both have football on Sundays until 12:30.
Evander will join, Zephy will join after football.
Neil 27 nov 2023
Yes, that’s a shame it’s at the same time. Not sure we manage the logistics , so we will take it week by week.
Max 2 dec 2023
Hi, Augustin is not available during weekends, he has already other activities.
Neil 2 dec 2023
football is cancelled this week so rugby it is for Oliie