We run for fun!

ACIF's running section offers the opportunity to train together and participate together in various competitions.
For anyone who likes to run - fast or slow, in a group or by themselves - ACIF wants to help you find a running level that you enjoy and where you feel you are developing and doing well. For us, the joy of running is more important than the performance itself.
To boost your training, join the running sessions organized by ACIF.
It’s for anyone at any level!
Run with colleagues on Wednesdays
Every Wednesday lunch ACIF organizes opportunities to run with colleagues. We meet at the reception in main lobby at 11:15 in our running gear and run together for approximately 45 minutes.
- Wednesdays at 11:15-12:00
Improve your running technique with help of instructor
Do you want some good company while improving your running technique and fitness? Join our running sessions! It’s for anyone at any level. Each week our instructor will focus on a different theme, like running technique, speed and trail running.
- TBD, new time slots for the Running Training Sessions
- Premiärmilen (april)
- 21-22/8 Convinistafetten, team race for 5 persons, <link>
- Utö running trip (planning ongoing)
- ACIF Open (planning ongoing!)
ACIF sponsors races
Races are sponsored by ACIF with 50% up to 700kr when you compete for ACIF, Atlas Copco or Epiroc.
Please send following to activity responsible
- Payment receipt for the race
- Result that shows that you have competed for ACIF, Atlas Copco or Epiroc and that you have completed the race
- Info about bank, clearing number and bank account number for reimbursement
For further information please contact the activity responsible
- Romain Haettel, romain.haettel@atlascopco.com