
Indoor padel
ACIF members can play indoor padel at Centurion Padel, Siroccogatan 7 (Magasinet).
- Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 17.00-18.00
To ensure that as many ACIF members as possible have the opportunity to play, the following booking policy is implemented:
Player Registration: All players intending to participate in a padel, badminton, or pickleball match must register for the session in the booking calendar. The first player to book a session is considered the owner of that time slot. A booking is only confirmed when all players are registered.
Active Padel/Badminton/Pickleball Booking Limit: Each player is permitted to have only one active booking per sport at any given time. This means that the four registered players for a padel session may not have another active padel booking, but they are allowed to have an active booking in badminton or pickleball simultaneously.
Membership Requirement: Padel, badminton, and pickleball facilities are exclusively available to ACIF members.
If four players book a padel session and register themselves in the booking system, they are only allowed to have that one active padel booking. However, they are still permitted to book and participate in one active badminton and one active pickleball session at the same time. The restriction applies only within the same sport to ensure fair access for all ACIF members.
Court name is Wato court.
There are four padel rackets and a tube of balls available for members to borrow. They are stored in the reception. Simply fill in the form at reception when you borrow and return the padel equipment. You can even borrow rackets (not balls) for free at Centurion Padel.
For further information please contact the activity responsible
- Steven Wamala,