KoDanja middag samt ledare
Lör 31 okt 2015, 19:30-22:30
Umami Sushi & Café
Samling: 19:00, Catalinatorget 1. 183 68 TäbyKarta
By Invitation only: The Board, All Masters to Cho Dan Bo, and visiting guests from Gothenburg. Certain Jubilee Activity Mangers making "significant voluntary efforts" and a few worthy discretionary invitees will be able to attend. (All attendees will pay a very low fee for a generous 3 course meal for 240 kr. pp). Private additional consumption is extra. Regarding alcohol a private license allows us to set up up our own bar (separate payment per wine glass, beer or other beverages available). Our 4 Visiting Masters will Not Pay for their own dinners!. The complete menu will be available soon. Specific interim questions can be answered by neil@tangsoodo.se.
www.umamisushicafe.seMeny ledarmiddagen.pdf
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