Escore training
Ons 25 sep 2024, 19:15-20:00
Lundbystrandshallen 5
Samling: 19:15As you know, we have a help out culture in Gothia. So, we need help at home matches to support the playing team doing score keeping (a job for 2 people). When score keeping, we are using a software called escore.
Manos will show you how the program works. When you have done this, you can sign up during the season to do score keeping for the other teams. (We give out presents at the half season tournaments for highest supporters.)
Manos will show you how the program works. When you have done this, you can sign up during the season to do score keeping for the other teams. (We give out presents at the half season tournaments for highest supporters.)
Endast kallade kan anmäla sig till aktiviteten. 30 personer är kallade.
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