Gothia Afterwork becomes Gothia Motionsvolley
Gothia Afterwork Volley will become 'Gothia Motionsvolley' this season!!
Fridays, from 18:00 to 20:00, the new 'Gothia Motionsvolley' will take place in Lundbystrandshallen, hall 5. This updated concept will provide better management of the sessions with attendance tracking through Svenskalag, our official communication portal, ensuring a smoother experience for everyone! On 18-Oct we will have a startup session to see both the interest for these sessions and interest for people to take some responsibility for this new fun initiative! To sign up for the startup session, follow this link:
Other information: Training fee 600 kr/half season Gothia's membership fee 300 kr/season If you have any questions, just ask Pontus at: