TÄVLING (ej Tigrar & Drakar)
Sön 21 apr 2013, 09:00-12:00
Tibble Sportcenter Sal 5
Samling: 08:45, Tibble Sportcenter Sal 5HÄR KAN ALLA VARA MED FÖR ATT TESTA HUR TSD-tävlingar går till så passa på!
”Inoficiellt - Swedish Championship”
Head Judges Masters W, E & M
Groups for hyungs: gup 10-7, 6-3, 2-cdb, D1-D3
Groups for sparring: ages 10-12, 13-15, 16-30, 31+ (possibly by sex as well)
Everyone does their competition form. Either in 2 rings w/ mixed judges or 1 ring and all in same ring. Winners per rank & age.
Weapons forms:
Green belt and higher in one ring
All according to age, sex and level (approx) 1 or 2 rings
”Inoficiellt - Swedish Championship”
Head Judges Masters W, E & M
Groups for hyungs: gup 10-7, 6-3, 2-cdb, D1-D3
Groups for sparring: ages 10-12, 13-15, 16-30, 31+ (possibly by sex as well)
Everyone does their competition form. Either in 2 rings w/ mixed judges or 1 ring and all in same ring. Winners per rank & age.
Weapons forms:
Green belt and higher in one ring
All according to age, sex and level (approx) 1 or 2 rings
Anmälan är öppen för alla i gruppen.
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