Dela nyhet
Strength and Conditioning
23 jan 2024 0 kommentarer

Team, good turn out on Saturday and great to see you all are able to squat lift and bench press your body weight. As a reminder for the those that didn't attend: -Target strength training at least twice a week and start with targeting your body weight in squat lifts and bench press, which most of you have achieved, then increase the weights (sensible and slowly) to target 1.5x your body weight. Do not over do it. Increasing your strength will greatly improve your fitness and resistance to impact injuries, helping protect your shoulder, knees, and backs. In all exercises you must engage you core muscles, as Ned demonstrated: - Always warm up squat lifts with split squats, prisoner squats and 90 second planks, 30kg Goblet Squats and with the bar (no weights). - Squat lift - knees shoulder width apart, do not bend them in or out, descend to 90 degrees (thighs level with knee), pull bar into shoulders to engage core and breath out at top, in going down. - Always warm up bench press with 18x press ups, 3sec down and 3sec up, then bench press first with bar only. - Bench press with hands positioned just outside shoulder and going down slowly, and breathing out as you push up. No bouncing the bar off the chest. I strongly recommend you send your training routines to over to me if you would like Ned to review. Do not overdo it. We will retest in 2 months. The testing is for your personal development and not for competing with each other. If you have any questions feel free to ask.