Dela nyhet
P18 Cup Winners
14 okt 2023 2 kommentarer

Great final performance - 66/0
Really pleased to see you all finally playing as a team and for one another. Not only did you keep up the pressure in attack but a number of times you drove URK from near the try line back to well into their own half, not conceding any tries. Well done!
Man of match could have gone to any of you. Very impressive to see pressure maintained to the very end and not letting URK into match at any time.
Also really pleased to see Sean and Noah helping with bbq, even though injured.
Great foundation for next season. Over all tremendous team effort!
Uppsala 14 okt 2023
Rick La Roche 14 okt 2023
And don’t forget Oscar W who did all the washing up having plaiyed a full match.