Dela nyhet
Jägarräkningen (Hunter count)
25 sep 2015 0 kommentarer
Here’s the explanation for the coding of the Hunter count numbers. This is what is sent at the end of each transmission, just before the long tone.
In the fox number ID sequence, we use (and all other fox hunters worldwide use) a homemade, non-morse code ID system. But in the Hunter counting, we in GRJ, and I think we are alone with this feature, use proper morse code numbers.
Below is the clarification. As you can see, we choose to do it this way to have a correct number system 0-9, and avoid the possible confusion of using the ID 10 as number 0.
Fox number ID: In the MOx, the x indicates the order of the fox as:
1= .
2= ..
3= …
4= ….
5= …..
6= -.
7= -..
8= -…
9= -….
10= -…..
Hunter count: In the count number (or two numbers, if many hunters), we send the morse numbers:
0= -----
1= .----
2= ..---
3= …--
4= ….-
5= …..
6= -….
7= --…
8= ---..
9= ----.