Tor 19 dec 2024, 17:00-19:00
Samling: 16:45Hej allihopa! Den 19 december har klubben planerat en julavslutning. Det kommer bli likt det vi gjorde förra året, lag med mix av alla junior och seniorlag en miniturnering helt enkelt!! Det kommer finnas lite julfika som klubben bjuder på!
Hoppas att så många som möjligt vill vara med och avsluta första halvåret tillsammans!
Hello everyone! On December 19, the club has been planned and the Christmas party. It will be similar to what we did last year, teams with a mix of all junior and senior teams, a simple mini-tournament!! There will be some "julfika" offered by the club!
Hope that as many as possible want to join and end the first half of the season together!
Hoppas att så många som möjligt vill vara med och avsluta första halvåret tillsammans!
Hello everyone! On December 19, the club has been planned and the Christmas party. It will be similar to what we did last year, teams with a mix of all junior and senior teams, a simple mini-tournament!! There will be some "julfika" offered by the club!
Hope that as many as possible want to join and end the first half of the season together!
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