Training schedule 2023/2024
Monday: 20:15-22:00, Valhalla Sporthallar C
Tuesday: 18:30-20:15, Idrottshögskolan
Thursday: 20:15-22:00, Idrottshögskolan
Lag | M | P |
16 | 47 |
16 | 35 |
16 | 29 |
16 | 27 |
16 | 21 |
16 | 20 |
16 | 15 |
16 | 14 |
16 | 8 |
Nytt Bankgiro på våra fakturor
14 feb
Datavolley - Utbildning
6 nov 2024
Utbilda dig till domare!
5 sep 2024
Välkommen till våra tränings- och utbildningsdagar 7-8/9!
25 aug 2024
5 aug 2024
2 aug 2024
P16/18 - BRONS i A-Slutspel, Vårspretten 2024, Sarpsborg (Norge)
8 jun 2024
Klubbdag söndag inställd
23 maj 2024
Season recap for the Men’s A team
12 maj 2024
Välkommen till vår klubbdag söndag 26 maj!
6 maj 2024
Biobiljetter till rabatterat pris
29 mar 2024
17 mar 2024
12 mar 2024
Volleyboll-EM 2026 till Sverige – gruppspel avgörs i Göteborg
6 mar 2024
8 feb 2024
Monday: 20:15-22:00, Valhalla Sporthallar C
Tuesday: 18:30-20:15, Idrottshögskolan
Thursday: 20:15-22:00, Idrottshögskolan
Viktig information till alla medlemmar i seriespelslag
För att vara en del av klubben och ta del av vår verksamhet behöver alla aktiva medlemmar bidra genom att hjälpa till i klubben.
Mallen för att fylla i ansvarsområden ser ut som på bilden och finns att ladda ner under Dokument på klubbens hemsida.
En mer detaljerad beskrivning av varje roll och dess ansvarsområden hittar ni också under Dokument i mappen "Ansvarsområden".
Tack för ert engagemang!
Important Information for All League Team Members
To be part of the club and benefit from our organization, all active members in league teams are required to contribute by helping out in the club.
The template for filling in responsibility areas looks like the one in the image and can be downloaded under Documents on the club’s website.
A more detailed description of each role and its responsibilities can also be found under Documents in the folder "Responsibilities".
Thank you for your dedication!
15 okt 2023 0 kommentarer
GÖTEBORG B - HABO D, 1-3 De unga killarna i Habo kom från en 3-0 vinst mot Gothia i matchen innan och det märktes från start att de spelade med mer självförtroende och avslutade smartare. Blev ledning med 2-0 i set innan Göteborg fick igång spelet och kunde ta hem tredje set men tyvärr slutar matchen i fjärde set som slutar 26-24 till Habo. GOTHIA B - GÖTEBORG B, 1-3 I andra matchen för kvällen var laget med från start och lyckas relativt enkelt spela hem första set. I andra set blir man för bekväm och tror att det ska vara en lika behaglig resa till det vinst men setet går till hemma laget Gothia. Både tredje och fjärde set får Göteborg B fram spelet på nät och lyckas bryta ner Gothia i båda seten.
16 jan 2022 0 kommentarer
18 okt 2021 0 kommentarer
3 okt 2021 0 kommentarer
9 feb 2020 0 kommentarer
HERR B - Falkenberg B - Division 2
0-3 (19-25, 18-25, 14-25)
HERR B - Gothia B - Division 2
3-1 (24-26, 25-21, 25-22, 25-22)
At the crack of dawn on Saturday morning the men from Göteborg B met for the match day. This season the match days are arranged so that always 3 teams meet, and all 3 play each other. Before Saturday the season has been a strong one for the guys, being currently 3rd place in Division 2 having lost only to the strong teams from Lund and Falkenberg.
This Saturday now we would play just this Falkenberg, the current first in the Division, and we were to meet the team of Gothia for the Gothenburg-Derby. Falkenberg had been also our first match of the season. Since then we've developed a lot, training has been good, new players joined, everyone worked hard on themselves, and through that we've become a team that knows how to have fun and play some good volleyball.
The match showed to be a match of serve-receive and side-out. Both teams played strong receiving and strong attack making it very difficult to get points on the own serve. Falkenberg proved to be the team that made less mistakes, thus, tipping the game in their favor. But there is much good to take from that game. Players in Falkenberg train up to 6 times a week. They put up their very best line-up, definitely a compliment to or abilities. And we gave them the fight they were looking for. 👊
Then the second game, the Gothenburg-Derby against Gothia, who came with several players from their A team from Division 1. Of course there is many connections and friendships between the teams of Göteborg and Gothia. And that motivated us to bring out our very best performance to show who is the better team in town right now.
After the first set narrowly went to Gothia 24-26, we stepped up our game one more level. Our block closed down Gothia's outside hitters, we pulled through our attacks, played smart when necessary, and fought for every point to the very end. Set 2 and 3 went for us 25-21 and 25-22.
In the 4th set we managed to open up an early 5-point lead, but Gothia came back once more evening out at 17-17. But on this day we would not give in. A few minor adjustments and the right words in the time-out and we convincingly took home also this set 25-22.
Thanks everyone for making this a great day! Now we gonna work hard again before the last matches on March 8th. And we might have to talk about the music selection 🎵 in the car 😉
Tor 6/3
20:15-22:00 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Mån 10/3
20:15-22:00 |
Valhalla Sporthallar C |
Tis 11/3
18:30-20:15 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Tor 13/3
20:15-22:00 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Tis 18/3
18:30-20:15 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Tor 20/3
20:15-22:00 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Lör 22/3
11:00-13:00 |
Match mot Trollhättans VK
Syltehallen, Trollhättan |
Lör 22/3
13:15-15:15 |
Match mot KFUM Jönköping IA B
Syltehallen, Trollhättan |
Mån 24/3
20:15-22:00 |
Valhalla Sporthallar C |
Tis 25/3
18:30-20:15 |
Idrottshögskolan |