Nästa match
Division 1 Södra Herrar 21/22
Lag | M | P |
15 | 41 |
16 | 33 |
16 | 30 |
16 | 29 |
14 | 23 |
16 | 20 |
15 | 19 |
16 | 10 |
16 | 5 |
Nyheter från föreningen
Herr A - Summary of season 2024/2025
Igår, 08:13
Reflection and the Future: Elitserien 2024/25
11 mar
Nytt Bankgiro på våra fakturor
14 feb
Datavolley - Utbildning
6 nov 2024
Utbilda dig till domare!
5 sep 2024
Välkommen till våra tränings- och utbildningsdagar 7-8/9!
25 aug 2024
5 aug 2024
2 aug 2024
P16/18 - BRONS i A-Slutspel, Vårspretten 2024, Sarpsborg (Norge)
8 jun 2024
Klubbdag söndag inställd
23 maj 2024
Season recap for the Men’s A team
12 maj 2024
Välkommen till vår klubbdag söndag 26 maj!
6 maj 2024
Biobiljetter till rabatterat pris
29 mar 2024
17 mar 2024
12 mar 2024
Training schedule 2023/2024
Monday: 19:00-20:45, Valhalla Sporthallar C
Tuesday: 20:15-22:15, Idrottshögskolan
Thursday: 18:15-20:15, Idrottshögskolan
Coach: Eusebio Gardella <eusebio@goteborgvolley.se>

Viktig information till alla medlemmar i seriespelslag
För att vara en del av klubben och ta del av vår verksamhet behöver alla aktiva medlemmar bidra genom att hjälpa till i klubben.
Mallen för att fylla i ansvarsområden ser ut som på bilden och finns att ladda ner under Dokument på klubbens hemsida.
En mer detaljerad beskrivning av varje roll och dess ansvarsområden hittar ni också under Dokument i mappen "Ansvarsområden".
Tack för ert engagemang!
Important Information for All League Team Members
To be part of the club and benefit from our organization, all active members in league teams are required to contribute by helping out in the club.
The template for filling in responsibility areas looks like the one in the image and can be downloaded under Documents on the club’s website.
A more detailed description of each role and its responsibilities can also be found under Documents in the folder "Responsibilities".
Thank you for your dedication!

Säsongen 24/25 spelar Herr A i Division 1 Södra.
Föregående säsonger:
Division 1 Södra Herr Säsong 2023/2024 - Placering 1
Division 1 Södra Herr Säsong 2022/2023 - Placering 3
Division 1 Södra Herr Säsong 2021/2022 - Placering 1
Division 1 Södra Herr Säsong 2020/2021 - Placering 2
Division 1 Södra Herr Säsong 2019/2020 - Placering 2
Division 1 Södra Herr Säsong 2018/2019 - Placering 2
Division 2 Mellersta Herr Säsong 2017/2018 - Placering 1
29 jan 2024 0 kommentarer
Göteborg Volley – Habo C, 3-1
In this round of the series, we hosted Habo C in Idrottshögskolan on Saturday.
The match starts in our favour, where we take an early lead in the first set at 8-4 and keep the lead at 16-8 and 21-13. The away team uses their both time-outs early on to break the momentum but with 4 serve aces, 3 blocks and a solid attacking, we close the set 25-17.
The momentum shifts completely in the second set, in favour of the away team. Habo C makes 3 aces, receives very well and increases their attacking ratios while on our side, we underperform in all aspects of the game, making a total of 13 errors. Habo C keeps opening the gap towards the end of the set and our time-outs are not enough to stop them this time. The away team wins the set with 25-18.
We start the third set strong once again and probably play the cleanest set we played ever this season, making only 3 errors in total. We take an early lead at 8-3 with Yonos and Viktor’s serve series, forcing the away team to use their two time-outs in the first half of the set again. At that point and on, the gap increases to 16-7 and 21-8, with the help of Eusebio’s serves. With help of 2 aces and 5 blocks, we close the set with 25-15, bringing the score to 2-1.
The momentum remains on our side at the fourth set, where we lead 8-4, this time with help of Jonatan’s serves. We keep the gap at 16-12 and 21-16, entering the last part of the match calm. Although making no blocks in this set, we increase our attacking to 52% with only few errors and make 3 aces. Both teams make very few errors in the fourth set, making it difficult to score and raising the quality of the game. We close the set 25-19 and therefore win the match 3-1.
According to overall stats, we were slightly the better side when it comes to serve aces, blocking and attacking. More importantly, our errors were fewer compared to the away team. Best scorers of the match on our side were Jonatan with 18 points (3 aces, 3 blocks) and Yonos with 17 points (1 aces, 1 block). The away team’s best scorers were their outside hitters with 11 points each.
With this result, Göteborg Volley keeps the lead in the series with one extra match played. During the next round of series, we will be visiting KFUM Jönköping, on 10 February, 15:30 in Ungdomens hus in Jönköping.
#GöteborgVolley #GöteborgVolleybollklubb #volleyboll #volleyball #svenskvolleyboll
17 okt 2023 0 kommentarer
The match starts great for Göteborg Volley where we lead the set 8-4 and 16-9. At 16:10, the away team introduces a double substitution. However, this does not slow down Göteborg Volley, closing the set 25-18. The highlights of the set were Sebastian’s 3 aces and Eusebio’s 75% in attacking (6/8).
We started the second set with the same momentum, leading 8-6 and 16-10, forcing KFUM Jönköping to take their second time out at 20-13, in favor of Göteborg Volley. With 8 aces in this set and 7 points from Lars, we close the set 25-17 and get a 2-0 lead in the match. The third set is an absolute roller coaster for both teams. Göteborg Volley starts the set with some changes in the starting line-up and KFUM Jönköping leads the set 8-2 and 16-8 where we used both of our time-outs already. At this point on Göteborg Volley catches the away team rapidly, forcing them to a time-out at 19-16, followed by another time-out at 21-22 where Göteborg Volley takes the lead! At rest of the set Göteborg Volley forces the away team to a few errors and close the set 25-23, winning the match 3-0.
Best scorers at our side were Eusebio with 13 points (71% in attacking), followed by Jonatan with 11 points and Benjamin with 9 points. Another highlight of the match was 6 aces by Sebastian and 14 aces by Göteborg Volley as a team.
During the next round of series, we will be playing a Göteborg derby, against Gothia VBK on 22 October, 14:00 in Lundbystrand.
26 sep 2023 0 kommentarer
Our men’s team started the season with an away match, with a humble squad including 10 players, against Habo Wolley.
Göteborg started the match strong, forcing Habo to take their first time out at 6-1. Unfortunately, following the time out, our best attacker up to that point, middle blocker Jonatan injured his ankle and could not continue the match. Habo started to increase the serve pressure and forced us to take a time out at 7-8. In a close set, Habo kept playing a stable game and won it 25-22.
The second set did not go as Göteborg guys hoped. Habo keeps playing a stable match with good serves and us having troubles to side-out, leading to a result of 25-16, in favour of the home team, Habo Wolley.
Our men’s team started the third set with a more stable game, especially in serve receive and attacking. With a five point serve series by Erik, we force Habo to a time-out at 11-14. Although leading the entire set up to 20-20, our guys could not stop Habo from winning the set 26-24 and therefore closing the match with a 3-0.
Although starting the season with a defeat was upsetting, the level and quality of volleyball played by our men’s team gave hopes for the future, especially considering that there are a lot of new faces in the team who are playing at Division 1 for the first time and the match was against a well routinised team, which finished the season at 2nd place last year.
Next saturday, on 30th September, 12:00, our men’s team will challenge Vindrarps VK in our first home match, in Idrottshögskolan.
HERR A - Tisdagsträning inställd
12 mar 2023 0 kommentarer
Kommande tisdag, 14 mars, är dessvärre träningen inställd för Herrar A, p.g.a. att vi behövt flytta en HERR B-match till denna dag.
HERRAR B:s match 19:30 i Idrottshögskolan.
13 nov 2022 0 kommentarer
(25-15, 25-20, 25-22)
Another exciting weekend for our Herrar A team who played a home game against Engelholm.
Starting the game with confidence, our team kept challenging the opponent with some strong serves. Our reception was steady as well, allowing our team to keep pushing with well-coordinated attacks that helped us win the first set.
In the second set, while our team kept the lead with several successful serves in a row, a couple of mistakes in our defense as well as some strong attacks from the opponents, allowed them to get closer to us scorewise. By being stable and keeping pushing in the serve, our team managed to win the second set as well, leaving the opponents five points behind.
In the third and final set, a change in our team’s line up led to a shaky start but by keeping calm and fixing our mistakes, we managed to take once again the lead. Though some further faulty actions on our side allowed the other team to gain some momentum, the consistency of our defense and our difficult serves, in combination with some killer attacks as well, helped us earn yet another win.
We would like to thank Engelholm for the great game, as well as everyone who was there to support us!
Fler nyheter
Kommande aktiviteter
Mån 31/3
19:00-20:45 |
Valhalla Sporthallar C |
Tis 1/4
20:15-22:00 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Tor 3/4
18:30-20:15 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Mån 7/4
19:00-20:45 |
Valhalla Sporthallar C |
Tis 8/4
20:15-22:00 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Tor 10/4
18:30-20:15 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Mån 14/4
19:00-20:45 |
Valhalla Sporthallar C |
Tis 15/4
20:15-22:00 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Tor 17/4
18:30-20:15 |
Idrottshögskolan |
Mån 21/4
19:00-20:45 |
Valhalla Sporthallar C |