Dela nyhet
Sign up for Club day 6/6
23 maj 2022 2 kommentarer
On the 6th of June we will have a chance to celebrate all together the beginning of the season and have some fun ! This is for everyone, seniors, juniors, supporters or family!
To ensure that the day will be as fun as possible we would like you to sign up as early as possible and latest on May 31st. There will be a BBQ where you can buy lunch, and signing up also ensures that we have enough for everyone (YES, sign up even if you're not eating, check out the form).
We will play games which may involve running, please dress accordingly !
(Provisional) Program:
09.30-10.00: Fika, Making teams
10.00-12.00: Fun Games (non rugby games)
12.00-13.30: Lunch Break
13.30-15.00: Touch Tournament
Mattias Eriksson 26 maj 2022
Är det en måndag?
Josefin Devine 26 maj 2022
Det är på nationaldagen, så en röd dag som är en måndag.