The Official Hotel
- The Scandic Hotel in Täby offers a guaranteed rate when booking, using the code ”BTAB250523 ”.
Market prices - Prices vary online and may even be below the price with code. If you are quoted a price where the code does not give a rebate you have already been offered the lowest available price. - The code is available until April 23, 2023.
- Free cancellation until 6 pm day before before arrival and payment upon arrival (check in) ONLY with booking made with this code!
- Booking can be made online here Scandic Hotels
Other options
It may be possible to find a room at the Täby Longstay hotel or the Täby Part time but we have been informed that they normally do not take short stay bookings. It's across the street from the championship venue but not very central to anything else in Täby.
There are of course many options in Stockholm whereas Täby has few options. Between Stockholm and Täby is Mörby and there are options close to public transport; Hotell Mörby - Danderyd Hospital and Best Western Hotel Danderyd.
- You may find other options for living in Täby on the most common search engines and apps. (airbnb etc.)