Breaking barriers with waterpolo is a project started by the waterpolo club StockholmsPolisens Idrottsförening – Vattenpoloförening (SPIF-VP). As it name indicates, its main goal is to join and share different cultures all around the world by practicing waterpolo, thus breaking the barriers between countries through sport. Its origin comes from the broad variety of nationalities apart from Swedish that the waterpolo club has: Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Iran, Australia, Ethiopia, Hungary, Great Britain, USA, etc. Each year a new project all over the world will be carried out. Friendly waterpolo games will be played with local teams. Touristic visits to the main important areas in companion of native people will be included in order to foster their local culture. A professional documentary is produced for all the trips to be published in TV and internet.
Take a look to previous trips and future projects in the menu!
If you wish to participate with us, or to suggest a future trip with your team in your country, please let us know contacting us in info@spifvattenpolo.se. We will be glad to meet you!