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18 okt 2024

Tio matcher in på säsongen och man har nu mött alla lag i ligan. Den här helgen är det matchledigt för laget men vi fick en pratstund med #10 Julie Zwarthoed som gör sin tionde säsong i SDE, #16 Gabby Jones som är inne på sitt andra år och #71 Emily Nix ny för i år i SDE men med erfarenhet från SDHL från säsongen 16/17
När vi börjar med att fråga vad de tycker om ligan det här året, efter att ha mött alla lag en första gång säger alla med en mun
– It's everyone’s game. Every team can beat every team.
There are many tight games so far – six out of the ten games you’ve played has been either a win or loss with one goal and four of the ten overtime or penalty shots - is this something that you think will continue onwards? Would you say this year is the most even in the league ever?
– We as a team will aim for winning in 60 minutes instead. But the league indeed is very tight!
How would you say the league as such has developed during the years? Do you think there is anything specific that has been crucial to where the league is right now?
Julie:– It’s more professional overall, the fans at games at all teams, the news coverage, TV4 streaming with interviews etc. That has really improved so much over the past years.
Emily: – In comparison from last time I was here, everything is so much more professional and as a European player you really aim to play in this league because it’s the biggest in Europa and everyone knows about it.
If we look at SDE 24/25 compared to 23/24 what is the biggest difference in the team?
Julie: – It’s a real team, we are all friends from day 1.
Gabby: – We all have the same common goal. We all strive to the be the best version of ourselves for each other every day.
There are many new players - how do you think the team has come together as a group?
– We are all friends with each other and have the best time when we are together.
And the three of you have played together a lot - describe the chemistry in your line?
– The three of us really enjoy playing together, from day 1 there has been a connection. We really go through fire for each-other, help each other to become better and we have a lot of fun together and that is super important.
What would you say are the most important things for you as a team to focus on going forward? Anything specific that is crucial?
– To control the controllable and be more offensive minded.
What are you looking forward to for the upcoming games?
– Winning games in 60 minutes, be more consistent over 60 minutes and making the opponent play up to our level.
Nästa match för laget spelas hemma i Enebyberg på fredag 25 oktober kl 19.00