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Fix-the-Field Day- Saturday, April 22, 2023
16 apr 2023 0 kommentarer

Hi all,
Our annual Fix-the-Field Day will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023, starting at 10 AM (the kids will practice on the softball field). We hope everyone can come out and pitch in to make it a quick affair. There aren't too many projects--it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours, allowing the seniors to have practice as scheduled afterward.
On the menu:
Replace clay/sand on infield (Sean)- Sand and clay need to be mixed and spread over the infield cutouts.
Container work (Joel)- The container is pretty orderly, but an inventory of its contents needs to be taken. Joel will oversee this task and other equipment-related jobs (washing helmets, patching up BP screens, etc).
Tarps/stones- The tarps and stones should be stored and out of the way. The tarps could use a good cleaning.
Rabbit holes- The rabbit holes need to be filled with dirt.
Miscellaneous (if possible/time permitting)- Fixing the bullpen mound (right now, it's not firm enough to hold its shape), trimming the grass around the cage/container.
No BBQ is planned, since we should be done early enough for everyone to get on with the day, but bring your shovels/strimmers/rakes/etc so that we're not limited by a lack of tools. And bring up any ideas on what else to fix!
See you all next Saturday!
The Board