Dela nyhet
2023 Membership fees
4 apr 2023 0 kommentarer
Hey Pilots,
Spring is finally here, the first game of the season is fast approaching, and it's time to pay your membership fee for the season. Below you can see our fees for 2023. All information regarding payments and fees are available under the "avgifter" tab
Don't forget to mark your payment with Name, Personnummer, membership type.
The club's plusgiro is: 4109009-3
Training only | 1000 kr* | |
20-23 years | 1200 kr* | |
23+ years | 1800 kr* | |
Reduced fee** | 1200 kr* |
*of which 100 kr is the club membership fee
**Students with a student ID card, and coaches are eligible for the reduced fee