Dela nyhet
Game jerseys
20 aug 2024 2 kommentarer
Like every year players need to secure their game uniforms before the start of the season.
It is really important that every player edits their profile on Högsbo website with correct number they will use in front of their name so that players who want to order a new game kit knows what numbers are available.
When choosing a number it would be good that the number isn't occupied by any player from either HU17A or HU17B players.
It could happen that players with same number play the same game, and if that case happens we will use white tape and temporary edit the number on one of the players with same numbers on their jerseys.
You can find more information on how to order game jersey on or just ask one of our members who will happily direct you to the right direction.
Erik Svensson 8 sep 2024
Is there a list of numbers that is up to date, where we can double check before ordering a new kit? Of course there is a list here, but I’m not sure that it is accurate?
Mario Jesic 9 sep 2024
This is the only list we have and it is the only list players are asked to keep updated.
As soon as you choose a number that is not occupied, please update the number