Dela nyhet
New team: Elden VBK Damer
8 feb 2023 2 kommentarer
We're happy to announce that we officially have started a women's team!
The team is new and still being put together, so we are actively recruiting new players. Are you interested to join? Contact us at and book a try out with us!
All players who have joined have volleyball experience prior to joining. It consists of people from lots of different nationalities, who all speak English on court and during training.
The training
The training is held on Wednesdays, 21.00-22.30, at Sätrahallen and will be conducted together with the men's team, for now. Our coach is Amna Kodzaga, who has been playing Volleyball for almost 20 years, and has been coaching for 5+ years. The training is mainly focused on developing the players technique and individual skills.
WHEN: 18/1 at 21:00-22:30
WHERE: Sätrahallen, Björksätravägen 2
(subway station Bredäng, then walk 10 mins)
If you want to join, here's what we expect from you:
- Commitment
- Respect
- Willingness to learn and evolve as a player
- Good attitude and professionalism
What you can expect from us:
- A welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
- Technical training to help you improve as a player and a team.
- Team members and a coach who respect the time and effort you put into training by showing up and doing your best, by doing the same themselves.
- A chance to join, be active in, and influence a relatively young organization that wants to help expand and open up the volleyball scene in Stockholm to even more people.
Don Choi 8 feb 2023
Yay! 🙌
Caroline Ohl 8 feb 2023
Whoop whoop! 🤩