Dela nyhet
Festival @ TRC 25 May
24 maj 2019 0 kommentarer
It is time for our own rugby festival at Täby Rugby Center on Saturday 25 May 2019. U8, U10 and U12 start at 10 o'clock, and the first P14 game is at 13:00 (meetup at 12).
As usual there are things to prepare.
There is a risk of poor weather according to the news so if you got a tent for your team or/and for sales it would be greatly appreciated.
We need the usual help with manning sales and burgers.
Cakes in many shapes and coffee. Please bring coffee in thermoses as the brewer at TRC is slow.
Bring along rugby kit no longer used for 2nd hand stall.
We need a couple people to take early (like before 08.30) responsibility for parking. Then we can leave it.
Pitch host:
Both pitches in U10+12+14 need a dedicated host to report result and assist referee.
So 2 dedicated parents in each year group before we start.
Clean group:
P14 volunteers for shutting down and cleaning before senior game.
Get family & friends to come and support our kids!
After the P14 games our seniors play a friendly game 15.30 against a French team.
Erikslunds players and families are welcome to stay and watch.