Dela nyhet
2022 Season
2 maj 2022 0 kommentarer

Hi all
This is what we have planned for Attila Rugby U10 and U12 this season
Training will be Tuesday's 1800 to 1930 at Bromma Rugby fält.
We are teaming up with Skå for the mini festival games and we have also the USM and Viking cup available. Please also let me know if you are going to sign up for one of the Haka camps too. They are great fun.
This schedule may change so please check for updates. I will send out individual news each match/cup etc
7/5/2022 Skå/Attila at Gubbängen
(14/05/2022 Landskamp Sverige mot Tjeckien)
21/5/2021 Skå/Attila at Norköping (Trojans)
4/6/2022 Skå/Attila at Sharks
17-19/6/2022 Viking Cup (Spartacus, Partille)
8-10/8/2022 Haka Rugby Camp Gubbängen
11-13/8/2022 Haka Rugby Camp Enköping
20/8/2022 Skå/Attila at Skå
27/8/2022 Skå/Attila at Torsångs IF
03/09/2022 Skå/Attila at Uppsala??
10/09/2022 Skå/Attila at RCLF
17-18/9/2022 USM (Enköping)
08/10/2022 Skå/Attila at Exiles
15/10/2022 Skå/Attila at Hammarby