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Amodio Russo tar över stafettpinnen
28 nov 2022 0 kommentarer

Amodio Russo tar över stafettpinnen från Joel Sjöqvist i Angered Allians A-lag,på herrsidan.
Amodio är ju "nygammal" i Angered Allians,han var ju i Angered Allians/Angered BK under en kort period 2021,därefter blev det Angered Allianskollegan AMBIK,Angered Marieholm BIK.
Vi hälsar Amodio varmt välkommen tillbaka till Angered Allians :-)
First a little reminder for those who dont know you:
¤ You did a comeback in Angered Allians this year (dec -22),what have you done from last?
-Worked as assistant coach at Angered MBIK
¤ This year must be a big challenge for you,with a new organization,and mostley a new group of players and coaches,can you develop?
-Absolutly yes! We have a new group true but a lot of talented players and coaches. So the set up so far looks good.
¤ I will say that one important thing must be to get the group together (Teambuilding),your comments about that?
-Absolutely correct, and Mirza (Mirza Saltagic is a specialist on team building, together with coaching skills and good eye for the game.
Last: Here can you talk open about everything that you wont the readers to know about you,the club and everything else..
-Well as mentioned before the organization and the group is new, but I am positive that we can rebuild a good team. I am very ambitious and I want to build a good spirit in the Changing room alongside the football development.
I am looking forward to games and to this year challenge.
Also I want to say thank you for the people in Angered Allians that gave me this opportunity.
I am thankful to be here.
Vi tackar Amodio för att han ställde upp och delade med sig av sina tankar inför "omstarten" 2023 av/med Angered Allians A-trupp herrar.
Ps.En utförligare presentation av Amodio finns på annan plats här på hemsidan under rubriken Truppen i vinjetten på lagsidan.