Dela nyhet
Festival 6 match report (RCLF 7th Sept)
8 sep 2019 0 kommentarer

Wow, what a day!
First up was Sharks, a newer team with a few bigger players/strong runners who are improving all the time. Possibly our best team performance ever, every single player contributed. The newer players were outstanding!
Next up was a tough match against RCLF. They are a very well drilled team, fantastic passers, the whole team can tackle and they are top quality Ruckers. What a game! It’s always close, but heroic tackling and fighting like lions saw us narrowly prevail.
The final game against Uppsala was one of our best ever: 25 phases, 70 percent team tries, 10 turnovers and a whole series of moves we practice at training every week coming off. From memory, we did at least two apples, one banana, a couple of Leinsters and a series of Rheinharts. Fair play to our opponents, who scored a couple of tries the Fiji Sevens team would’ve been proud of.
The support was fantastic today, many thanks to the families who came to cheer the team on. Really makes a difference. A great last festival before the USM in a fortnight, regular training only next Saturday.
The team really is maturing. Our job as coaches is becoming easier by the day because the players increasingly tell each what they need to do on the pitch. The hunger, mentality and closeness is lovely to see.
/The coaches