Zoom möte med GM Bassem Amin
Mån 7 sep 2020, 19:00-20:00
Zoom meeting (se länk)
Samling: 19:00Text från Birger Wenzel i Wasa: We will organize a Zoom call together with GM Ferdinand Hellers which is not going to be a chess lecture but more of a two-way Q&A session. You will get the chance to ask Bassem anything whether it is chess questions, questions about his career or other topics like medical issues, life in Egypt, football, parenting, the latest sneaker trends, etc. The better questions we ask, the more high-quality answers we will get from Bassem and thus the more valuable our time in the zoom call will be. To stimulate that you come up with good questions, we will add a little competition. The person who asks the most interesting question will get to play a blitz game against Bassem at the end of the call - if he or she wants. It is certainly also okay to ask questions without wanting to play against Bassem. And since GM Ferdinand Hellers and maybe some of our other GMs will be in the call, there might even be a high-level commentary on that game.
Imagine hanging out with Bassem at a club evening in a relaxed manner with some fellow club mates having a chat. That's the type of atmosphere we will try to create. And the idea is also for Bassem to get to know YOU a little bit. So be prepared for Bassem to ask you questions as well.
zoom.us/j/96805456959?pwd=V3NvTzliaVIvektpR2F4YmxZU3BpZz09Imagine hanging out with Bassem at a club evening in a relaxed manner with some fellow club mates having a chat. That's the type of atmosphere we will try to create. And the idea is also for Bassem to get to know YOU a little bit. So be prepared for Bassem to ask you questions as well.