- Reklam eller annan form av SPAM är förbjuden.
- Följ svensk lag och använd ett vårdat språk.
- Trakasserier och personangrepp är strängt förbjudet.
- Vid misstanke om brott kommer anmälan att göras.
Pay to play. Now it is time to pay your annual membership fee for SDE Vets. Go to our website and look in the folder "Dokument" and "Medlemsavgift - 2018-2019". The fees and options are the same as last season with the addition of a +50 team. On October 5 I will consolidate a list of those who have paid and submit it to SDE kansli to register players as members of SDE and then we who have paid will also be insured. The next time I will update the list to SDE will be in November, so if you pay after October 5 you will not be insured until some time in November. If you have any questions let me know.
Ti 11/9: Black C- White T: 6-7 i matcher.1 oavgjord. To 13/9: Knapp Vit vinst. Black C- White T: 6-8 i matcher.1 oavgjord. Sön 16/9: Svarta kämpade ikapp ett underläge och vann. Black C- White T: 7-8 i matcher.1 oavgjord.