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Copenhagen Ironman (2022/08/21)
18 sep 2022 1 kommentar

Copenhagen Ironman (Copenhagen, Denmark) (2022/08/21): 10:48:22 - 5th age group, 35th female total, 591 overall (out of 2120)
I am an Iron(wo)man. Again. After 2 years of cancellation, time to get this over with.
Machine-feeling definitely on during the bike and the girl on fire-mode during the run.
Usual doubts the days before. Nightmare start with a bike lost at arrival in the Danish airport. Not enough energy and water intake during travel day. Still full faith in my endurance capabilities. A 226km-swim-bike-run definitely calls out all mental and physical strengths.
Good weather conditions. 17°C at swim start, 20°C when jumping on the bike, and upping to 24°C during the run in the city.
Light rains 2 days before got the heat down to decent temperatures for the race. However the wind was still there, especially during the bike.
Swim started with all confidence I could do the distance and not drowning... when 100m after start my ankle-chip getting loose. No chip, no time. Quick attempt to tighten it, and restart. First buoy... turn right, long stretch of 1+km. Chip got loose. Again. Stopped completely, took it away, put it back. The water was ground at this buoy, but still annoying to lose time. Turn back for 2+km straight line, before final buoys. Unclear how I made it. New record off the water (1h13). Smooth transition, despite the uneasy task of putting on wet foot an ankle support needed for the run.
The bike was where I had to shine. Quite slow to get outside of the city centre. Great long stretch along the sea (but no time to admire the landscape), sidewind from SW, average 31.7km/h by km40... when turning left, stupid wind in the face on the top of rolling hills coming. Fought a bit, speed down to 30.5. Got to the famous hill with lots of spectators, and then surely the first lap was done... 1 more to go. Same procedure. Energy intake was key, although I might have taken overdose of caffeine already there. Final loop, slow back in the city, seeing faster triathletes already in their run. 5h51. New record by far! Transition flew by, thanks to bike catcher and well-prepared running gear.
Finally the run... Hot. Felt light and fast. Held a good pace until km5 and the slope up the fountain. Then walking up the slopes closer to the ferries. In both directions. Every lap of four. Incoherent km-marking on the route. No longer possible to trust distance or pace. Went by feel. Run on the flat, walk at every aid station to throw water on the head, take gels and wet sponges. Cursed many times. Hated the cheering. Loved the cheering. Wanted to stop this whole thing. Calculated how slow I could be to still finish sub11hrs. Pathetic to count based on 6min-pace. Final 5km, Belgian guy caught me, led the pace for this final stretch. Wanted to quit, slow down, smile, cry, scream. Final stretch. Enough margin to sub11. Pace increase. Hear my name. See the time on the screen. 10hrs48. Incredible.
Second ironman (swim 3800m/bike 180km/run 42.2km (marathon)). PR by 35 minutes, PR on all parts except the run (2 min slower, but with all this walking).
Surprised for the swim including 2 stops, happy about the bike, although 31km/h was at reach, disappointed on the run.
Everything else was a warmup. But still not done yet.
Epic Sunday spent under the Danish sun, home of the Little mermaid. No pain, no gain. Indeed. The body had no inch which is not sensitive, but it will go away. More experience.. Recovery mode for 3 days. Back to work on Tuesday. Training continues on Thursday.
Got a slot to IM world championships, but had to say no. High registration costs, and travel costs to be added. No sponsoring, no world championships 🤷🏽♀️
Three done, one to go!...
Gunnar 18 sep 2022