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Höstläger i Göteborg
16 okt 2023 0 kommentarer
TGSK bjuder in till höstläger för juniorer och ledare i samarbete med
Svenska squashförbundet.
Lägret är öppet för tjejer och killar på alla nivåer.
NÄR: 28-29 oktober
VAR: Landala Squashhall, Kapellplatsen 4, Göteborg
COACH: David Fear och Ali Fear
ANMÄLAN: Via denna länk, senast 24/10.
AVGIFT: 500kr för juniorer
10:00 Meet the leaders and coaches
10:30 Beginner groups
11:30 Intermediate groups (basic technique).
13:00 Lunch + coaching sessions for leaders (Q&A)
14:00 Intermediate group routines
16:00 Coach discussion
16:30 Competitive group
17:30 end.
10:00 Beginners and intermediate groups
11:30 Competitive group
Schools programs with Ali leaders and coaches over lunch.
12:30 Intermediate mini competition
13:30 Competition continues with Ali
15:00 Final gathering
The coaches will divide players into groups by players level.
Lunch included for all participantes Saturday and Sunday.
If you have questions reach out to Lovisa Ronge: