Dela nyhet
June schedule
2 jun, 20:02 0 kommentarer
Hello everyone,
My name is Mario and I'm a coach of our newly formed P08/09 team.
In June we will start to practice together and temporarily practice for June will be :
Tisdag 19:15 - 20:30
Onsdag 19:30 - 20:45
Fredag 19:00 - 20:30
Im sure our Sportchef Andreas will come out with additional info regarding the next season soon, but until then the plan is to get to know each other and start having general practice sessions.
I will also come out with more info myself and will communicate trough our website.
Practice calendar is on Svenskalag as well and players will be getting invitations to each practice 24h before.
See you in the hall,
Coach Mario