Tis 21 maj 2024, 18:00-19:15
Online - Teams
Samling: 18:00, OnlineThe aim for the meeting is
• Getting the group to understand the task
• Getting roles sorted out
• Starting up the work
The agenda for the meeting:
1) Quick presentation – who is who
2) Back ground and introduction
3) Expectations – the role of the group
4) Roles and responsibilities (see the draft sent out before) – who is doing what
5) How do we communicate and how do we get “tasks”.
6) Things to do
7) Next step
Link to the meeting is below
teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZGZjNTEwMjMtNTBkYi00YzViLWIwNjItMzJkMmIyNTAzMjg4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22aad6f333-6b6e-4532-b854-7ae89e1e3773%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e103709f-1a2b-4a52-8216-8c3ed311e4fd%22%7d• Getting the group to understand the task
• Getting roles sorted out
• Starting up the work
The agenda for the meeting:
1) Quick presentation – who is who
2) Back ground and introduction
3) Expectations – the role of the group
4) Roles and responsibilities (see the draft sent out before) – who is doing what
5) How do we communicate and how do we get “tasks”.
6) Things to do
7) Next step
Link to the meeting is below
Endast kallade kan anmäla sig till aktiviteten. 8 personer är kallade.
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