EKF Touch Rugby Training
Ons 3 apr 2024, 18:15-19:30
Erikslund Bollplan - Outdoors
Samling: 18:10, Erikslund Bollplan - OutdoorsOur number keep growing, setting another record with 11 players last week!! This is the spirit we're after, great work everyone! Continue to spread the word amongst friends, colleagues from work, and anyone who you think might want to have a bit of a laugh and run around with an oval shaped ball in good company on a Wednesday night.
Even though this week is "påsklov", Ulf (aka old wolf) has kindly offered to run the session if there are enough takers. Our next session after this week is scheduled for the 10th of April, and hope to see all of you there!
p.s. if someone is missing from the list, please let me know and I will get that sorted out with kansliet. d.s.
Even though this week is "påsklov", Ulf (aka old wolf) has kindly offered to run the session if there are enough takers. Our next session after this week is scheduled for the 10th of April, and hope to see all of you there!
p.s. if someone is missing from the list, please let me know and I will get that sorted out with kansliet. d.s.