Poolspel Rydaholm saml 8:30
Lör 17 dec 2022, 10:30-14:00
Samling: 08:30På grund av DM i Rydaholm så har den 10 december blivit inställd så den kommer bli flyttad till den 17 december (däremot så kan vi anmäla fler lag till den 17 dec) så svara på denna kallelsen så snabbt som möjligt så vi kan meddela Rydaholm hur många lag vi kan komma med.
Due to the DM in Rydaholm, the 10th of December has been canceled so it will be moved to the 17th of December (on the other hand, we can register more teams for the 17th of December) so respond to this invitation as quickly as possible so that we can inform Rydaholm how many teams we can come up with.
Due to the DM in Rydaholm, the 10th of December has been canceled so it will be moved to the 17th of December (on the other hand, we can register more teams for the 17th of December) so respond to this invitation as quickly as possible so that we can inform Rydaholm how many teams we can come up with.
Endast kallade kan anmäla sig till aktiviteten. 17 personer är kallade.
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