Match vs Enköping
Lör 3 okt 2020, 10:30-12:00
Enköping Rugby Club
Samling: 09:45, Enköping Rugby Club - Sandbrogatan 2Karta
5th match vs Enköping on Sat (in Enköping)!
Enköping will only field 1 team, but we have managed to get Uppsala to join to ensure we get enough game time for the kids.
So please ensure to reply to match invite ASAP, such that we can ensure we can field 2 teams!
We are asked to arrive at 09:45 (meet outside clubhouse, Sandbrogatan 2). Kick-off at 10:30 on their B-field (behind main arena pitch)
See details in attached doc from Enköping Rugby. (esp parking)
Reminder next week we play SKÅ (away on Ekerö), our last game of the season - details to follow.
Välkomna till Enköpings rugbyklubb_Erikslund 3 oktober.pdfEnköping will only field 1 team, but we have managed to get Uppsala to join to ensure we get enough game time for the kids.
So please ensure to reply to match invite ASAP, such that we can ensure we can field 2 teams!
We are asked to arrive at 09:45 (meet outside clubhouse, Sandbrogatan 2). Kick-off at 10:30 on their B-field (behind main arena pitch)
See details in attached doc from Enköping Rugby. (esp parking)
Reminder next week we play SKÅ (away on Ekerö), our last game of the season - details to follow.